
60 Main Road Westhampton, MA 01027     Call us at 413-527-7364

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The Focused Puppy Package

What:  Ultimate Puppy Class + Puppy Consultation + Sprial Bound Puppy Booklet + Hybrid Online Puppy Class
Who:  Puppies 8 weeks to 16 weeks old at 1st week of class
When:  Once a week for six weeks (LIVE here at the Training Center)
Plus:   Online video support for 10 weeks
Instructor:  Beth Ostrowski-Parks, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA
Fee:    $595.00 includes your consultation, your live 6 week class and your online hybrid class with videos

Late Summer/Early Fall

If you have a new puppy you are welcome in the Basic Manner Course.  I have had many people with new puppies take this class with great success.  Check it out here.

Your Consultation will be arranged with you over the phone.
Are you having difficulty with your new puppy or perhaps you've never had a puppy before! 

When you book a consultation you are getting that one-on-one help that can be priceless! 

With the FOCUSED PUPPY Package, we combine the Ultimate Puppy class with a Private Consultation to ensure you’re getting all the support you need. With the consultation you will immediately learn how to get:

  • Good listening and control around the house
  • Crate-training and house-training (so important!)
  • Learning and accepting handling by you, a groomer or your veterinarian 
  • Social skills with people and other dogs  
  • Tips and tricks to help you survive and enjoy this brief period in your dog's life!

The Private Puppy Consultation, which lasts 90 minutes, is a personalized, one-on-one session conducted at the training or online on Zoom. This is your chance to get instant help with issues ranging from puppy proofing your home to housetraining and even solving out-of-control behavior problems. Whatever it is, we can help! (Learn more by clicking here.)
The second part of this package is the live group class which is your six week Ultimate Puppy Class.

You'll also receive:

  • Our 18 minute Orientation Video
  • The original Puppy Booklet  (PDF)
  • It's PAWSible!® Ultimate Puppy Plan booklet (PDF) +Spiral Bound Hardcopy
  • Our Dog Training DVD

Don't wait, start now!  Even if your class doesn't start for a few weeks, you will immediately receive your Orientation Video (18 minutes) and your helpful Ultimate Puppy Booklet (PDF).  So this means you can get started solving your puppy problems right away!  There are so many skills your puppy can learn and so many problems you can learn how to prevent!  And, as stated before, we will be in touch as soon as possible to schedule that consultation!


(Please note:  There are no refunds for group classes. Credits approved by situation)