I have a couple of acquaintances and colleagues that are Veterinarians. Recently I interviewed one to give my clients a look into that profession. But with this newsletter, I wanted to share with you something that was a little upsetting to hear from two Veterinarians in the last week.
Due to the pandemic and the mandatory shut down for several weeks of our Veterinary Clincs and then limiting non-emergency procedures like neutering, our Veterinarians are way behind in their work. Add in the fact that so many people acquired puppies and dogs during the early part of of the pandemic, the clinics are busting at the seams.
The bigger problem that I just learned is there are many technicians, veterinary staff and even Veterinarians that have quit due to people being so difficult. The stress has become too much in an already really stressful field of work. One Veterinarian told me they have lost one Vet and 8 or 9 staff people just because so many people are being so rude, demanding and even insulting.
That is a sad fact for me. I’m sure you are not one of those people but if we could spread the word if that’s what it takes, that we need these professionals. Just like we need the frontline workers in the hospitals.
Recently my Doberman, Kaikala, was ill. Of course it was a Sunday night. I thought I was going to have to bring her to South Deerfield for emergency treatment. I called ahead to ask a few questions. It was very nice of the person answering the phone to tell me that it would be a 6 to 8 hour wait after we checked in. I was shocked but not angry. I decided that I would just wait til morning. Kala was nauseous but looked very comfortable on her bed.
The receptionist didn’t have to tell me ab out that long wait. He respected me (as a person, he didn't know my identity). He gave me the choice as to whether I should come in or not. Obviously if Kala was very sick I would have gone it but since I felt like she could wait until morning when my clinic opened, I didn’t go. It actually turned out she was getting better on her own on Monday so I was REALLY glad I didn’t put any of us through the wait time at VESH.
The clinics days are filled, actually over filled, with clients who love their animals. They are also trying to get caught up with spay/neuter surgeries and more. Most clinics have even been forced to stop taking new clients.
I don't understand why people might act so adversarial towards someone who is taking care of their beloved dog or cat? I know I appreciate anyone who is going to be working with my dogs. It’s not my nature to be rude or demanding but I sure wouldn’t want to be that way with someone who is taking care of my “kids”.
I was shocked and saddened to the point that I wanted to write this newsletter. Everyone just needs to be kind to each other. We are in a situation that has never been seen before. For the most part the world has adjusted pretty quickly with zoom and tele health and more. But my hope is to spread the word: Be patient and kind to your veterinary staff. Tell others to do the same. We can’t lose any more of our veterinary staff!
In general, as the term goes, we truly are all in this together. We need to respect others and be kind to get through it. And we will!