When your puppy is younger than 5 months of age, it's best if you can feed him 3 times a day. If you cannot due to your work schedule, two meals will be fine.
Decide approximately what time he will be fed and stick to the schedule as much as possible. This will help with your housebreaking. My dogs (who are all adults so they are housebroken) eat anywhere from 5:00 to 8:00 a.m., and then again between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.
When you are feeding your puppy, give him 5 to 10 minutes to eat. Whatever he doesn't finish, pick it up to feed it later. You don't want to leave food sitting around for him to nibble on. This is partly true to help you with your housetraining, but also so your dog will recognize that he needs you to feed him. Our dogs need to "value" us in order to learn to follow our directions. If the food is just left out for him/her, in their mind you have nothing to do with it.
Use your feeding times as a great way to instill good training. While your pup is waiting for food, ask him for a "sit", or a "down". How about a "leave it".
Teach your pup to work for a living. It will help you build the great relationship you are working so hard on.