C-ATCH2 Shumai
Bell’Lavoros Dolce Shumai, RA, OA, NJ, AXP, AXJ, CGC
April 15, 2007 - December 21, 2014
This page is about Shumai’s agility and Rally O accomplishments.
Shumai passed away very suddenly at the young age of 7. I can barely write about it even today (July 2015)
When I first started training Shumai for agility around the age of 6 months, I was amazed at his control. I was also happy to see how careful he was and attentive to his own every moves. I thought to myself “wow, he’s going to be a mix of Treasure (very fast) and Makana (very smooth and careful but not super fast). However, as we kept going in training, and he gained confidence, he was much more driven than I ever imagined he would be. He was very fun to work with and just like any other dog, he continued to evolve in the sport the more he and I did it together. I felt like we were just starting to hit our stride when he passed away.
EarIy on I wanted to work on our teamwork so I entered him in Rally Novice and was able to earn his title in 3 consecutive days. Then a few months later, we did 3 days of Rally Advanced and again, he earned his title.
So my life with Shumai was an incredible journey in so many ways. I learned a lot from him both on and off the course. I'd give anything to have him back on this earth with me. He was a very special dog.
On March 24, 2012, he earned his CPE Championship (C-ATCH) and then in March of 2013, he earned his C-ATCH2. He was just 2 Snooker runs short of C-ATCH 3
As an AKC agility team, we competing in the Masters Level in AKC.
Here are two of my most favorite agility runs that I have on video:
Running Shumai in agility was always exciting. He was super fast and he had a lot fans who loved to watch him run. His weave poles were incredible... Shumai was known and loved for his enthusiasm on the agility course!
To me he was known and loved for being the best dog, best big brother to his sisters, and the dog that made me smile and laugh every day. It's been really tough...
To read more about Shumai, please go to his page.